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Championing Corrosion Control on Capitol Hill

This event marks a opportunity for professionals in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry to influence legislation and promote sustainable practices within critical infrastructure sectors.


group standing in front of U.S. Capitol Building
Source: AMPP

The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), the global authority in materials protection and performance, is set to host its annual Advocacy Day on May 15-16, 2024, in Washington, D.C. This event marks a opportunity for professionals in the corrosion control and protective coatings industry to influence legislation and promote sustainable practices within critical infrastructure sectors.

This year’s AMPP Advocacy Day is particularly noteworthy as it will spotlight the organization’s legislative agenda, which focuses on advancing major U.S. legislation, including the Bridge Corrosion Prevention and Repair Act (H.R. 4064/S.1932) and the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act (H.R. 1477/S.722). Additionally, AMPP will emphasize supporting the Department of Defense's Office of Corrosion Policy and Oversight and the expansion of the Congressional Corrosion Prevention Caucus.

“Advocacy is the lifeblood of change in our industry,” says AMPP CEO Alan Thomas. “By bringing together our members and voices in D.C., we transcend the conventional boundaries of our work. We’re not just advocating for the present; we are shaping the future of corrosion control and coatings protection, ensuring safer, longer-lasting infrastructure for generations.”

The event will attract diverse attendees, including industry veterans, policymakers, and emerging professionals, all united to drive progress in corrosion prevention.

AMPP Advocacy Day will offer attendees specialized networking and knowledge exchange sessions, facilitate direct engagement with lawmakers, and provide a platform for promoting international best practices in corrosion control.

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