Rectifiers for the Plating Industry

California Metal Finishers Holding Legislative Action Day May 8-9

The event is designed to get across to the state officials that the surface finishing industry contributes $15 billion to the California economy and employs over 100,000 people in the state.


men meeting at a table


The Metal Finishers Associations of Southern and Northern California (MFASC/MFANC) will be holding their annual Legislative Action Day in Sacramento on May 8-9 at the Sheraton Grand.

The event is a great opportunity to meet with state legislators and regulators. All appointments are scheduled-based on home and business addresses of each individual attendee. 

Bryan Leiker, the MFASC event and membership chairperson, says the event is designed to get across to the state officials that the surface finishing industry contributes $15 billion to the California economy, employs over 100,000 people in the state and is very important to the aerospace and defense industry, which has again seen rapid growth in California.

Watch a video from Products Finishing on a Legislative Day from a few years ago:



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