Q&A: Tin Plate on Zinc/Nickel Deposit
Q. Our company produces components made from mild steel that are nickel/zinc plated. We have been asked to investigate the possibility of over-plating of a tin strip on these parts. Can this be done, and can it be done selectively?
Q. Our company produces components made from mild steel that are nickel/zinc plated. We have been asked to investigate the possibility of over-plating of a tin strip on these parts. Can this be done, and can it be done selectively? F.P.
A. The simple answer is that, yes, it can be done. You can plate tin over a zinc-nickel layer. The more complicated aspect of this is plating a layer selectively over the zinc-nickel deposit. Selective plating is very common in the electronics industry, but without knowing more details about the processes you are currently using, I cannot give you a more definitive answer.
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