Concept of the training:
The target group for this education program are organizations, most likely in the automotive, aviation and spring industries, which are involved in the fl ap peening process.
Who shall attend?
This training is designed to give operators and supervisors theoretical and hands-on training for their activities within a workshop surrounding. For that group of people MFN likes to offer a platform to periodically update and refresh their fl ap peening knowledge.
Who designed this training?
A team of MFN trainers from 19 different countries was selected and companies within the peening industry were contacted from around the globe to donate training material and exhibit items. The creation of this program has been a real team effort, not just by the MFN trainers, but also by a number of companies which normally compete against each other. And this is especially worthy of mention - the common understanding that there is a need within the peening industry to establish a qualified training program and to create the spirit to do this together.
FAA approved Courses:
All courses offered during the training are FAA approved. Participants who passed the optional examination receive a “Certificate of Achievement”, which has the related FAA identification number on it. The FAA approval gives the courses a general credibility. However, there are a lot of aviation repair and overhaul stations, which do receive frequent FAA audits. Especially those companies will appreciate to have access to a FAA approved shot peening training.
General information:
-Duration: 1 day
-Registration Fee: $600/person (including trainings material and lunch)
-Optional certificate of achievement with FAA ref. no.: $80
-Class size is limited, make early reservations
-Payments to be made before the workshop, group discount available
MFN Flap Peening Course Training Syllabus
-Introduction to Flap Peening-- 08:45 – 09:30
-How peening works; History of Peening; Flap selection; Straightening & forming; Applications
-Flap Peen Intensity & Coverage-- 09:35 – 10:20
-What is peening Intensity? Measuring peening intensity; Almen equipment; Saturation curves; Coverage inspection
-Refreshments-- 10:20 – 10:40
-Flap Peen Procedure & Quality Control-- 10:40 -11:20
-Initial intensity & speed; Flap selection; Verification of intensity; Peening Internal diameters; Coverage inspection; Qualification requirements; Specifcation & Standards
-Flap Peen Theory Test-- 11:25 – 12:00
-Multiple choice questions; saturation curve construction and analysis
-Lunch Break-- 12:00 – 12:40
-Individual Assessments-- 12:40 – 14:30
-AMS 2590 qualification requirement
-Afternoon Break-- 14:30 – 14:50
-Individual Assessments-- 14:50 – 16:30
-AMS 2590 qualification requirement
Superior Shot Peening Inc.2350 Security Forest Drive
Cleveland, TX