Butler Finish Nickel
Question: What is “butler finish nickel?” How does one apply this finish?
What is “butler finish nickel?” How does one apply this finish? R.J.
This question was asked by another reader a number of years ago. Here is the response I gave at that time. The butler finish nickel is a fine satin finish. This finish originally resulted from the regular cleaning and polishing of fine silverware. One way to produce the finish is to wet scratch the surface with a suitable wire brush. An easier way is to buff the surface using fine grit, greaseless buffing compound. The type of nickel bath is important. Bright nickel baths give a finish that is too glossy so a dull or semi-bright bath should be used.
Since you have not used this process before I suspect you will have to do some experimentation with the conditions in order to get the most satisfactory results.
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