Hull Cells
Question: I need some general information on how to use Hull cells and how to "read" the resulting coupons.
I need some general information on how to use Hull cells and how to "read" the resulting coupons. M.K.
General information on Hull cells can be found in the 2001 Metal Finishing Guidebook & Directory, Metal Finishing Publications, 914-333-2578. There is an excellent chapter on Hull cells in the book, Zinc Plating, Herbert Geduld, ASM International, 800-336-5152. The chapter focuses on the use of Hull cells in zinc plating, but the information is worthwhile reading for users of other types of plating baths.
Also, try contacting some of the vendors of Hull cells. Names can be found at in the Suppliers database or in the 2001 Products Finishing Directory And Technology Guide, 800-950-8020, under Testing Equipment, Hull cell.