
Perspectives: Staying Vigilant

As a fledgling editor at Products Finishing, my first major assignment was to cover the tragedy at Bastian Plating Company in Auburn, IN.

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Pinholes and Electroless Nickel

Question: What causes pinholes in electroless nickel deposits?

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Paint Recommendations

Question: We work with a number of job shops that apply powder to tubular stock that undergoes subsequent bending and punching operations.

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Pretreatment Rinse Tanks

Question: I have a five-stage dip process.

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Perspectives: Setting a Precedent

Recent surveys by a nationwide consulting firm indicate a great anxiety among component suppliers about what buyers currently want.

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Selectively Plating Plastics the Seleco Way

How tough can it be to put in a plating line and start running a job shop? Faced with the idea that it was no longer going to be simply a supplier, but the actual plating job shop, Seleco Inc., prepared itself. However, the learning curve was steeper than it planned...

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Mixing Room Materials of Construction

Question: We are installing new mixing room systems that will be handling waterborne basecoats and solvent-borne primers and clearcoats.

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Powder Hooks/Rack Cleaning

Question: I am into my third month of study for a new powder coat system for our company.

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Solvent Cleaning Disc Drive Parts

Question: You received an inquiry regarding solvent cleaning of disc drive parts using "exotic" solvent and alcohol in a vacuum style vapor degreaser.

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Quieting Wire Springs

Question: Our company makes window balances.

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Stripping Defective Copper Plate

Question: What is the best way to strip copper from steel?

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Nozzle Selection

Question: I am an avid reader of your magazine.

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