Industrial Finishing Products

Promoting Surface Finishing in Creative Ways

A New Purpose, New Places, New People

One of the association’s priorities has been to promote surface finishing and educate new audiences about the industry and its value, and to do it in creative ways.

Christian Richter, Executive Vice President, NASF


The NASF continues to build a strong record of achievement on behalf of the finishing industry this year. One of the association’s priorities has been to promote surface finishing and educate new audiences about the industry and its value, and to do it in creative ways.
What could be more creative than the new “Surface Finishing Challenge” at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California?
The project, just launched and concluded last fall, was conceived and led by leaders of one of NASF’s active affiliates – the Metal Finishing Association of Southern California (MFASC). 
The group approached the faculty at the Art Center College to see if students would be interested in learning how to use and gain an appreciation for various surface finishing techniques in preparing designs.
The Art Center College, which is one of the leading institutions of art and design education in the world, viewed the offer as an opportunity to tap the industry’s expertise as a resource for learning. For more information on the Art Center, including its widely recognized Department of Transportation Design, click here.
More than a dozen students participated in the “Surface Finishing Challenge” from a range of design disciplines. 
Part of the concept behind the “challenge” was that each student in the program was required to produce a three dimensional model of their design and this model was to use actual plated or anodized finishes.  The project began in September. Before final judging at the end of the year, the student contestants traveled off campus to get their designs plated and anodized locally at Brite Plating and K&L Anodizing. 
The projects were incredibly innovative, and photos will be available soon. More important, the program was such a tremendous success that the Art Center College is excited about planning another project this coming fall.
A special thanks to the members of the MFASC who planned and supported this exciting project. Stay tuned for more updates on promoting the industry, including the NASF’s successful Bright Design Challenge in Michigan.
In the meantime, we’re excited about the coming year, more progress on our new initiatives and a healthy future for the NASF.
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