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The Art of Multitasking

In the frenetic pace of today’s world, keeping up with projects and responsibilities can sometimes seem daunting — here are a few multitasking strategies that may help.


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Do you ever have one of those weeks where all of your outgoing emails seem to start with an apology? At some point we all feel spread a bit thin. In the frenetic pace of today’s world, keeping up with our email inbox, Teams messages, texts and voicemails, not to mention actual jobs, projects, responsibilities, errands and favors, can be neigh impossible.

Multitasking is undeniably an art. The ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously can significantly boost productivity and efficiency — but it’s not easy.

Lately, so many people I talk to seem to be pulled in many directions, and I often feel that way myself.  Here is a list of strategies that I try to remind myself of from time to time to help alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed. Hopefully, they might also help you.

Prioritize and plan

The key to multitasking lies in planning and prioritization. Start by making a list of the tasks and projects, then rank them based on urgency and importance. The tools you choose to use may vary — organizational apps, calendars or even a simple checklist. You may find some more effective than others, but the big idea is to have a clear road map of what needs to be done and when.

Break it down

Big projects can often feel overwhelming. Keep this in mind when making your task list. Breaking down the bigger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks can make them less daunting and easier to manage when also dealing with other responsibilities. This approach can also keep you motivated as you check these smaller task off your list and lend to a sense of making progress.

Make space

Productivity depends on our ability to focus. Decluttering your workspace, keeping noise-canceling headphones close at hand and setting specific times for checking emails and social media are all good strategies for minimizing distractions. Take some time to clean your desk and reset your environment once in a while. It can save you from finding yourself distracted later.

Leverage technology

Productivity apps, automation tools and time management software can be a big help if you choose the right ones. What do your colleagues recommend? Suggestions from like-minded co-workers can help. At the same time, keep in mind that these solutions are only as good as your approach to them (refer back to points 1 and 2 of this list).

Practice mindfulness

It may seem counterintuitive, but taking time to mediate, go for a walk or just take a few deep breaths can improve your ability to multitask. Taking time to reset can help you stay calm, focused and present as you work through your list of responsibilities. Training your mind to stay centered, you can improve your concentration and reduce stress.

Set realistic expectations

It may seem counterintuitive, but when you’re dealing with a lot of responsibilities it can be easy to overcommit to even more. It’s important to recognize when you’re trying to do to much. Try to set realistic expectations for yourself and the people with whom you are working. Be honest about limitations and communicate them clearly.


Finally, remember to take some time to step back, reassess your work and make adjustments. Are there areas for improvement? Specific tasks that always cause bottlenecks? Self-reflection can help you make informed adjustments along the way.

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