KCH Engineered Systems

Triple Gold Plating

What does “triple gold plating” mean? Is this an actual combination of deposits or a marketing/sales selling point?


Q. What does “triple gold plating” mean? Is this an actual combination of deposits or a marketing/sales selling point? K.M.

A. An electroplater will tell you that triple gold plating is exactly as described: three layers of gold applied on top of each other. The idea is that three layers of gold will give you a heavier deposit that holds up to everyday wear and tear on watchcases and jewelry.

That being said, in many cases the term also is used as a marketing/sales gimmick. Whether a piece of jewelry or a watchcase is truly triple-plated is not easy to determine without taking thickness measurements of the gold deposit, and, unfortunately this is not something that the average jewelry buyer can do.  

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