KCH Engineered Systems

Waste Treatment Questions

Question: We have expanded our waste treatment facility and must train a number of individuals in the proper operation of the facility.



We have expanded our waste treatment facility and must train a number of individuals in the proper operation of the facility. Our facility handles primarily heavy metals. Are there any training programs available? W.S.


There are a number of options available to you. One option is to have your employees attend the seminar/workshops offered by the American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (www.aesf.org). These seminars are offered a number of times each year. Another option is to have your employees sign-up for correspondence courses offered by the CSUS Foundation—Office of Water Programs (www.owp.csus.edu). This organization not only offers a number of different courses but also has a large selection of training videos available.

A very recent series of articles by Frank Altmayer, Plating & Surface Finishing, 90, May, 62-64, (2003); 90, June, 26-27, (2003); 90, July, 17-80, (2003) discusses some of the details in operating a waste treatment plant in a plating facility.


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