Wayne State Engineering Professor Wins NASF Award
Yinlun Huang awarded the 2013 National Association for Surface Finishing’s Scientific Achievement Award.
Yinlun Huang receives his NASF award from Bob Srinivasan, left, and Rick Delawder.
Yinlun Huang, professor of chemical engineering and materials science in Wayne State University’s College of Engineering, has been awarded the 2013 National Association for Surface Furnishing’s Scientific Achievement Award.
The NASF presents the award annually to “an individual who greatly contributes to the advancement of the theory and practice of electroplating, metal finishing and the allied arts; raises the quality of processes and products; and has enhanced the dignity and status of the profession.”
Huang received the award — which was presented during the 95th annual SUR/FIN Conference in Illinois in June — for his key theoretical contributions to the surface finishing industry. Specifically, he was recognized for his novel theories and methodologies, which, “establish a fundamental basis for proactive process waste minimization in electroplating lines; help solve large-scale hazardous/toxic chemical focused source reduction in an diverse industrial zone where supply chain management is a key; integrate technologies that can maximize the economic, environmental and social sustainability performance in metal finishing plants; and, possibly for the first time, evaluate the pathways for the electroplating industry for its sustainable development, through synergistically working with other manufacturing sectors.”
Huang was also recognized for his professional leadership experience with the American Electroplating and Surface Finishing (AESF) Foundation, his extensive list of journal articles and book publications, and his efforts in technology development, which resulted in 12 technologies developed since 2000.
Other NASF awards presented at Sur/Fin:
Alan Olick of General Plating Company receives an NASF Award of Merit from NASF President Rick Delawder
Clay Mueller of Plating Specialists, Inc. receives an NASF Award of Merit from NASF President Rick Delawder
Kate Hand and Tim Pennington of Products Finishing Magazine receive NASF Awards of Merit
B.J. Mason of Mid-Atlantic Finishing Corporation receives the Taormina Award from NASF President Rick Delawder
Pat Gleason of Microfinish IPC, LLC receives the NASF Presidential Award from NASF President Rick Delawder and NASF Past President Tony Revier
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