Products Finishing Top Shops Benchmarking Survey

Precision Viscometers with High and Low Temperature Models

BYK-Gardner USA releases a product line of cone and plate viscometers designed for both high-temperature and low-temperature units.


BYK-Gardner USA’s cone and plate viscometers include both high-temperature and low-temperature units, each backed by Lite firmware options. 

The product line features a direct drive motor and an electronic cone lift. The byko-visc CP Cone and Plate viscometers require only small sample volumes and can apply high shear rates in a defined measurement geometry, providing absolute viscosity values for comparable and reproducible results.

The new product line includes byko-visc CP L and byko-visc CP H as well as fixed speed models byko-visc CP Lite L, byko-visc CP Lite H and additional cones.

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