complete finishing application systems

Compact Convection Batch Oven Systems

David Weisman, LLC’s latest oven systems are designed to heat, dry and/or cure liquid and powder coatings on small- and medium-sized 3D products.


Batch oven
Photo Credit: David Weisman, LLC

David Weisman, LLC (Stamford, Connecticut) designs and manufactures gas- and electric-infrared heater/control packages, as well as infrared, hot air/convection and combinations ovens. Applications include preheating/boosting, curing, drying, and postheating/postcuring solvent- and water-based paint and powder coatings on products. The provide heating for conveyorized metal, plastic and wood parts, as well as paper, film, foil and textile continuous webs.

David Weisman, LLC’s latest Enhanced Electrically Heated or Gas Fired Custom Batch Oven Systems are designed to heat, dry and/or cure liquid and powder coatings on small- and medium-sized 3D products. The system features quality gas-fired burners or electric heating elements and controls, a unique air recirculation and exhaust system and a heavy-duty, energy-efficient oven insulated enclosure. The systems can be used as a stand-alone or as part of a complete batch coating system, and they are built complete and tested to stringent quality standards prior to shipment.

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