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Showing 41 – 50 of 123 results
NASF Highlights Weak Rationale to White House
During the 1990s, the late Dr. Rolf Weil contributed a monthly column in the AESF journal, Plating & Surface Finishing, in which he described the various methods by which the properties of electrodeposits could be measured and characterized. Topics covered include analytical equipment, measurement methods and specific applications. Dr. Weil's practical approach, in layman's terms, aimed at taking the fear out of using sophisticated equipment. What follows is a collection of several of those columns.
Mist suppressants are an important tool for reducing exposure of workers to Cr(VI) during plating and etching operations. A common raw material used for efficient mist suppressants was, and still is, PFOS. PFOS is subject to legislation across the world prohibiting its use for many applications. In this paper we will present developments and experiences with non-PFOS, permanent and non-permanent mist suppressants.
NASF will be reviewing the rule and supporting documents to determine whether to proceed with a legal challenge.
Claims EPA Used Data from 'Phantom Facilities'
Technical Working Group Meeting #7 will provide stakeholders an opportunity to continue working with CARB staff on amendments to the Airborne Toxics Control Measures for Chrome Plating.
SUR/FIN 2023 is an opportunity for those in the surface finishing industry to expand their knowledge, expertise and network.
EPA official attends NASF Washington Forum to speak on chromium rule and flawed data.
Regulation of PFAS chemicals continues to increase — here are some steps finishing operations can take to prepare.
The National Association for Surface Finishing has released a Policy Update, summarizing some of the pertinent regulatory developments and new announcements from the month of August.