CCAI Announces Two New Chapters
Georgia chapter president is Derek Dennis from Heraeus Noblelight; David Boone with Alabama Power is taking the reigns as the first president of the Alabama chapter
The new CCAI Georgia chapter officers are, from left to right, Ed Harmon, Lowell Lampe, Derek Dennis and Brit Metcalf.
The Chemical Coaters Association International has launched new chapters in Georgia and Alabama.
The Georgia chapter held their kick-off meeting at the Georgia Power Customer Resource Center in July. Chapter president Derek Dennis with Heraeus Noblelight led the meeting, and chapter treasurer Lowell Lampe with Coral Chemicals gave a presentation on pretreatment. There were 20 attendees for the charter meeting, which was followed by a social happy hour. Members enjoyed refreshments and discussed future meeting topics, plant tours and events. To round out the new Georgia chapter board of directors, Ed Harmon with Georgia Power agreed to be vice-president, and Brit Metcalf with IFS Coatings took the role of secretary.
David Boone with Alabama Power is taking the reigns as the first president of the Alabama chapter, while Hank Arnold with Alabama Washer and Ovens will serve as vice president and Ryan Bonds with CCIS is the chapter secretary. The chapter plans to provide educational meetings with expert speakers and networking activities to share information on relevant issues in the industry. The chapter is currently in the process of scheduling programming.
For information about teh chapters, visit the CCAI website at
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