KCH Engineered Systems

Chromium Plating Maintenance Schedule

Question: Can you supply a maintenance schedule for our hard chromium plating baths?



Can you supply a maintenance schedule for our hard chromium plating baths? H.C.


This is a good question! It is always nice to find people that are concerned about regular scheduled maintenance of their plating baths. Here is a general maintenance schedule that is a good place to start. As you can see, this schedule is not rocket science by any means but just plain common sense. You may want to modify it to fit your specific requirements.

Daily Maintenance

  • Clean electrical system components
  • Adjust liquid level of tank
  • Check temperature of bath
  • Check overall concentration with hydrometer


    Weekly Maintenance

  • Clean anodes with wire brush and alkaline cleaning solution
  • Check rectifier cables and bus bars
  • Analyze for chromic acid
  • Analyze for sulfate
  • Analyze for trivalent chromium
  • Analyze for iron and copper as required


    Semi-Annual Maintenance

  • Clean the tank
  • Inspect and clean rectifiers
  • Check tanks for leaks
  • Examine lining and heating coils for defects
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