Columbia Chemical Receives GMW 4700 Approval
Trivecta Ni-Z Black 70 with Trivecta Black Sealer 350 approved under the GMW 4700 Type B, BL specification
Columbia Chemical has been granted zinc nickel approval by General Motors for Trivecta Ni-Z Black 70 with Trivecta Black Sealer 350 under the GMW 4700 Type B, BL specification.
Columbia Chemical’s unique black all trivalent passivating conversion coating for electroplated zinc nickel alloy is now part of GM’s limited list of approved finishers for zinc nickel. Ni-Z Black 70 with Trivecta Black Sealer 350 meets all of the GMW 4700 TYPE B, BL specification minimum requirements including 240 hours to white corrosion, 1,000 hours to red corrosion and 61 cycles of the cyclic test.
Columbia Chemical Corporation is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of zinc and zinc alloy plating additives. For more information, contact Columbia Chemical at 330-225-3200, or
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