Industrial Finishing Products

Finish for Chrome Plating

Question: For years, we have been using a modified lacquer as a color coat and for some clearcoat applications on chrome-plated products.



For years, we have been using a modified lacquer as a color coat and for some clearcoat applications on chrome-plated products. The lacquer cured at ambient temperature in about 14 days and could be forced at 170°F for 30 min. We are unable to buy the product any more because the supplier withdrew it from the market and we are looking for a company that may have something that will meet some interior automotive specifications. My last application for the lacquer was 800,000 wings on the gas tanks for the Harley-Davidson 100th anniversary bikes. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance. M. R.


Product withdrawal is a recurring problem which is occurring more often, lately. Coating products are withdrawn because of non-compliance with environmental and safety regulations, low sales volume, unavailability of raw materials and a host of other reasons. Surely your supplier has a substitute material available.

I don’t like to give advice, but if I were you, I would ask the supplier why the product was withdrawn and if they have a substitute. If not, ask them to recommend another supplier’s material as a substitute. If that fails, contact suppliers listed under Lacquer of the Products Finishing 2005 Directory & Technology Guide ( and state your requirements. Certainly, someone can supply your needs.

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