optimal water management solutions

More on Ionic Liquid Plating

In my column last month, I briefly discussed ionic liquid plating. Since writing the column I have come across some additional information that is of interest to those of us interested in new plating technologies.


In my column last month, I briefly discussed ionic liquid plating. Since writing the column I have come across some additional information that is of interest to those of us interested in new plating technologies.


Sources of ionic liquids: BASF has an extensive line of ionic liquids detailed here. Small quantities of these liquids are available from Sigma-Aldrich.
Developmental processes: An experimental plating process for aluminum/zirconium plating has been developed by Dipsol of Japan. More information about this process can be found here.  This process is now being tested at the “pilot scale” stage. Another process for hexavalent chromium free plating has been developed by a European consortium. More information about this process can be found here. 
Ionic liquids are currently expensive in small quantities, but as more developmental work is completed an exciting new way of deposited metals from solution will be available to the industry. 

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