Painting Transformer Radiators
Can you recommend a reliable company that can supply the equipment and install a line that would be able to paint corrugated tank radiators?
Q. We are working on a new line of advanced electrical transformers that have corrugated tanks with built-in radiators and are concerned about painting the radiators. Because of the size of the new transformers, we plan to install a new painting line. Can you recommend a reliable company that can supply the equipment install a line that would be able to paint these corrugated tank radiators? A.D.
A. We do not to recommend specific companies, but lists many painting equipment suppliers that can supply and install complete finishing lines that include pretreatment facilities, paint booths, bake ovens and the necessary conveyors. Go to, click on Suppliers and then Painting Equipment. Several of the listed suppliers should be able to provide equipment to paint your transformer radiators.
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