Parts2clean Offers Latest in Cleaning Technology
The largest parts cleaning trade show in the world, parts2clean offers a peek into the future of U.S. parts cleaning regulations and technology in a travel-friendly part of the world.
As the 17th International Trade Fair for Industrial Parts and Surface Cleaning approaches, you might be wondering whether it is worth the trip across the pond to attend. Here are five reasons to attend this trade show, held Oct. 22-24, 2019, at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center, Stuttgart, Germany:
- Experience the future of parts cleaning in the U.S. Germany and the European Union are one step ahead of cleaning regulations and technology compared with the U.S. parts cleaning market. Therefore, U.S. attendees to parts2clean will have the opportunity to learn and see firsthand what the future holds for regulations in the states and can look forward to the technology eventually coming our way.
- Encounter this international marketplace and the largest cleaning trade show in the world. All the major exhibitors and users from every relevant sector of the parts cleaning industry come to this event to share the latest in their technology.
- Learn about parts cleaning trends. There are plenty of opportunities for discussions with industry professionals, as well as time for listening to presentations that will fill you in on the latest information about parts cleaning processes and products.
- Find solutions to implement in your shop. Come to parts2clean with project requirements and find the answers tailored to your individual needs.
- Explore another culture and visit a beautiful part of the world. I know business travel isn’t always glamorous, but when given the opportunity to visit another part of the world while also helping your company and expanding your industry knowledge, it makes a trip abroad easier to accept. parts2clean gives attendees a chance to experience the German culture in Stuttgart and its lovely, quaint villages that surround the area. Take time to do some sightseeing and you wil thoroughly enjoy your trip.
Learn more about parts2clean 2019 here, and read my blog post about my first visit to to the show in 2017 here.
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