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Plaforization Performance

Do you know how many hours of salt spray we can get out of a Plaforization system?


Q. We are looking to install a Plaforization system for ornamental iron and aluminum fence.
Do you know how many hours of salt spray we can get out of that system? G.M.


A. I am not aware of the use of Plaforization by itself. It is marketed as an easier alternative to conventional phosphate pretreatment systems and as such does not have an inherent salt spray resistance onto itself. The corrosion or salt spray resistance is also significantly influenced by the type of paint, application methods, primer (if used), etc. The pretreatment is said to use the residual oil present on a part to form a conversion coating that is supposed to be a good pretreatment prior to painting. I have addressed Plaforization questions in previous columns in April 2006, June 2005, December 2002 and October 2002. The October 2002 column also includes a link to a Products Finishing article that was run regarding the chemical and the

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