Stripping nickel from Inconel 718
Could you please advise me of the best way to strip sulfamate nickel off of Inconel 718 base material? Is there a risk of damaging the part if it is stripped in 50% nickel due to the high nickel content of the base material?
Q: Could you please advise me of the best way to strip sulfamate nickel off of Inconel 718 base material? Is there a risk of damaging the part if it is stripped in 50% nickel due to the high nickel content of the base material? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. J.T.
A: Unfortunately, I do not have experience in this, although I did find some alkaline stripping products on the Internet—products that would likely remove the nickel plating.
I would suggest talking to the supplier of your nickel sulfamate chemicals, or reviewing suppliers on for suggestions.
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