Unstable Decorative Chrome Bath
Our decorative chromium plating tank is giving me fits! We have heavy chrome burning on the high-current-density areas and frequent staining. The chromium burning does not occur all the time. Can you suggest some things for me to investigate to solve this problem?
Q. Our decorative chromium plating tank is giving me fits! We have heavy chrome burning on the high-current-density areas and frequent staining. The chromium burning does not occur all the time. Can you suggest some things for me to investigate to solve this problem? R.E.
A. Burning in high-current-density areas usually is a sign of incorrect temperature/current balance. You may have to use current thieves in order to prevent this from happening. You also may have a problem with the chemical balance in the tank. You didn’t include any information about how you monitor the plating bath or what type of the bath you are using, so I assume you are using the classic chromium/sulfate bath. I will email you a copy of the Chromium Tank Doctor to give you some other areas to consider in trying to get the “beast” under control.
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