Nordson Corp. has announced the hiring of four new powder applications specialists who will be supporting and servicing the company’s powder coating customers.
Clariant produces approx. 2 million liters of disinfectant on a monthly basis, which is made available to regional hospitals and other vital institutions in Bavaria during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Custom Fabricating & Supplies is working to assemble and donate 16,000 face shields to local Milwaukee hospitals in response to shortages due to the coronavirus crisis.
In response to the coronavirus crisis, Haviland has delivered its first batch of 500 gallons of hand sanitizer at no charge for groups within its local community (re)filling pump or squeeze-style sanitizer dispensers.
The week of March 23 saw significantly more manufacturers make adjustments to production/capacity as automotive OEMs closed facilities and states closed non-essential businesses.
Calvary Industries, supplier of industrial cleaners, conversion coatings, metalworking fluids, and waste treatment chemistries, turns its focus toward general-purpose sanitizers to help combat coronavirus.