As one industry tradeshow after another is stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic, what other ways of networking can coaters, finishers and suppliers embrace?
After losing her husband to cancer in 2019, Vegas Metal Finishing president Jessica Famiglietti carries his vision for a new anodizing business to bright beginnings.
Tyler Thomas, vice president and general manager of Technical Plating (Minneapolis, Minn.), talks about the company’s two newest lines and capabilities.
The Mars 2020 Perseverence rover will rely on highly engineered surface treatments to protect it from the extreme temperatures of space and the harsh environment of Mars.
RAYN Technology allows manufacturers to apply decorative designs to three-dimensional painted or printed surfaces on location through a licensing and leasing model.
MacDermid Envio Solutions will focus on helping customers profitably reduce their environmental impact through proprietary water treatments and materials recycling solutions.
An MPX50 extruder extruder at a factory in India has been commissioned and started-up remotely by Baker Perkins. The company can provide ongoing support when required, with the ability to remotely evaluate and solve problems and improve performance throughout the machine’s life.