CCAI Updates Technical Manuals
The Chemical Coaters Association International is updating two of its technical manuals.
Photo Credit: CCAI
The Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) has updated its Electrocoating for Industrial Finishing Applications technical manual. The manual is coil bound and includes updated color graphics and photos. The manual serves as a guide for operating an ecoat system and managing the process for efficiency and profit, along with maintenance and troubleshooting suggestions.
CCAI corporate members reviewed and edited the manual, and contributed updated content to many sections. CCAI says the publication provides valuable content along with charts, graphs and images in color. From an introduction to ecoat technology and paint chemistry to rinsing systems and wastewater treatment, this book covers the information that electrocoating finishers need.
Also, currently in production is CCAI’s Pretreatment for Industrial Finishing Applications technical manual. Content updates and graphics are being added to this publication. Both updated manuals will be available for purchase at FABTECH 2023 in September.
CCAI also offers training manuals on powder coating, liquid coatings and equipment, and system design, as well as Spanish training manuals on powder coating, liquid coatings and equipment, system design and pretreatment. All manuals reflect the most current state of finishing technologies.
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