Industrial Finishing Products

Eastern Coatings Federation Calls for Presenters for Coatings Show

Presentations should revolve around advancements in the field of coatings.

Katie Leesemann, Former Editorial Assistant, Gardner Business Media


Photo Credit: Getty Images

The Eastern Coatings Federation is calling for technical abstracts for presentations for the Eastern Coatings Show (ECS) in 2023. Abstracts from industry, academia, government and nonprofits should speak on work aiming to advance the coatings field. Studies that include coatings applications, chemistries, theory, manufacture, safety, test methods and equipment are also welcome. The vision of the ECS is to educate the attendees and to highlight the protection, aesthetics and functionality of coatings which are possible today and in the foreseeable future.

The ECS Technical Committee reviews presentations based on their technical content and contribution to the advancement of coatings technology. These speaker platforms are intended to educate the audience. The committee reviews the submitted abstracts and determines which abstracts are accepted. The committee also coordinates the agenda of presentations. Chosen speakers will present May 16 through May 18, 2023.

Requirements to speak include the submission of an abstract for the presentation, a biography and picture of the speaker. The materials must be forwarded to Chuck Jones, ECS Technical Committee Chairman, by Dec. 2, 2022. Submissions without the required items will not be accepted or considered. Electronic copies of the presentations are set to be distributed to the attendees, so permission for this should be submitted alongside a presentation submission.

Additional requirements for presentations involve content and length. Company logos are permitted on the title slide only, and no trade names are permitted in the abstract or presentation. Presentations deemed too commercial are not accepted. Presentations should be no less than 20 minutes and no longer than 25 minutes to allow time for questions from the audience.

In addition to the presentations, there is also an awards ceremony hosted by Pflaumer Brothers. To further industry innovation, Pflaumer Brothers sponsors the awards to honor and recognize the top two technical papers showing the most outstanding technical innovations. The Pflaumer Honors for Innovation Award for the Most Outstanding Paper is an honorarium for $2,000. The Pflaumer Honors for Innovation Award for Outstanding Paper is an honorarium for $1,000.

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