NASF Releases Public Policy Update for December 2021
The National Association for Surface Finishing has released its monthly Policy Update, summarizing some of the pertinent regulatory developments and new announcements from the month of December.
The update includes the following stories:The National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF) Government Affairs team has released an update regarding its engagement during the month of December on an array of new rules and initiatives from Washington, D.C.
- Federal Courts Halt Implementation of Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Rules – In response to a backlash of litigation, multiple federal courts have blocked implementation of OSHA and other new vaccine mandates for general industry, the healthcare industry and federal contractors.
- EPA Prepares for Drinking Water Standard for PFAS – EPA released stringent health-based levels to serve as guidance for setting drinking water standard for PFOS and PFOA.
- EPA Looks to Expand RCRA Corrective Action Authority to Address PFAS Contamination – EPA announces that it intends to list four PFAS as hazardous constituents under RCRA and expand corrective action authority to cleanup releases of PFAS and other emerging contaminants.
- ProPublica Releases Map of Toxic “Hotspots” from Industrial Air Emissions – Areas identified by zip-code are described as “sacrifice zones” that threaten disadvantaged communities with industrial air emissions.
- EPA Proposes to Formally Scrap “Waters of the US” Rule – EPA signed a proposed rule to scrap the Trump-era WOTUS rule and replace it with pre-2015 regulations until it can develop a new revised WOTUS rule.
This update is courtesy of the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF). For more information or to become a member, visit
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