Convection Bench Oven Used for Various Heating Applications
Grieve’s No. 952 is a 550°F, electrically heated, forced-air convection oven currently used for various programmed heating applications.
Grieve’s No. 952 is a 550°F, electrically heated, forced-air convection oven currently used for various programmed heating applications. It features workspace dimensions of 26" × 22" × 16", and 3 kW installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular elements provide heat to the workload, while a 1/80-hp recirculating blower creates convection air movement in the chamber.
The bench oven features 3" insulated walls, an aluminized steel exterior, Type 430 stainless steel interior and an integral oven stand. Also included are a programmable and recording temperature controller with 10"-diameter circular chart, plus a manual-reset excess-temperature controller with separate contactors.
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