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Hitachi FT160 XRF Analyzes Ultrathin Coatings

Benchtop unit designed for high sample throughput for quality control.


Hitachi FT160 XRF analyzer

Hitachi FT160 XRF analyzer

Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science’s FT160 XRF analyzer has three base configurations for analyzing nanometer-scale coatings on small features. The unit is a benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analyzer designed to deliver high sample throughput with a wide range of applications in the semiconductor, circuit board and electronics components markets. According to the company, a polycapillary optic focuses the X-ray beam down to a diameter of <30 µm, focusing more intensity on the sample and measuring features smaller than what is possible with traditional collimation. It is said that a high-precision stage and high-definition camera with digital zoom allow for quick positioning of the sample features to improve sample throughput.

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