Vacuum Degreasers and Aqueous Solutions

Smaller Abrasives Provide Lightweight, Ergonomic Grinding

Norton Merit Pink R928 designed for challenging materials and difficult-to-reach applications.


Saint-Gobain Abrasives’ Norton Merit Pink R928 product line has a variety of flap wheels and specialty abrasives, including cartridge/spiral rolls and square/cross pads that feature a ceramic grain for efficiency when beveling, blending, cleaning/detailing, deburring and finishing stainless steel and other hard-to-grind materials. A variety of Norton Merit Pink mounted points feature Norton 86A aluminum oxide abrasives, providing a combination of friability and form holding.

For hard-to-reach applications, a poly cotton backing adds more durability compared to traditional cotton back products, according to the company. It is said that the coating on the grain/bond reduces friction for a greater grain holding ability, resulting in cooler and fasting cutting on hard-to-grind materials.

The company says that, when used with its handheld pneumatic die grinder, the smaller abrasives provide a lightweight, ergonomic grinding solution with more control. The new line is designed for manufacturers across a range of industries, such as metal fabrication, welding, energy, oil and gas, foundry and castings, MRO and aerospace.













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