Liquid Coating
Humorous, Scary and Practical Advice
Question: I just finished reading your August 2004 column in Products Finishing.
Read MoreVinyl Caps for Wire Ends
Question: We use a piece of heavy gage wire in one of our products.
Read MoreJewel of Niles
Niles Mfg. has been framed—frame coated that is! The Ohio-based job shop has found a role as a provider of FrameCoatTM electrocoating of prototype parts for Tier One automotive plants and captive shops...
Read MorePainting Cast Iron
Question: We manufacture water features for fountains, pools and ponds.
Read MoreAccelerated Aging Tests
Question: I recently experienced a failure on an accelerated aging test of a polyurethane coating system.
Read MoreMore on Painting ABS Plastic
Question: These remarks relate to the problem question in the July 2004 issue.
Read MoreNon-Visible Infrared/Ultraviolet Paint
Question: Here at our Automation Technology Laboratory at the University, we’ve been using “landmarks” for mobile robot navigation.
Read MoreCustom Coaters
Question: I’m a partner in a small manufacturing company that specializes in general machine work for the aircraft industry, the government, and the commercial industry.
Read MorePaint Blush
Question: I work for a door manufacturer as a process engineer for steel doors.
Read MoreCleaning Brass for Painting
Question: I am in the midst of working on repainting some stamped brass decorative products from one of my customers.
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