Liquid Coating

Liquid Coating

Up and Running with Hard Coating

Starting a new business within the last year or so has been a difficult task. However, thanks to some experienced founders, great relationships with its suppliers and a well-planned finishing line, Xenon is well on its way...

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Liquid Coating

Mixing Room Materials of Construction

Question: We are installing new mixing room systems that will be handling waterborne basecoats and solvent-borne primers and clearcoats.

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Avoid Painting the Conveyor II

Question: With reference to your letter in the October issue, I have a comment regarding overspray on racks, etc.

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Liquid Coating

Inconsistent Gloss Problem

Question: Regarding the letter from T.B. in the October Painting Clinic, I had run across a similar fouling in the oven that would cause an inconsistent gloss.

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Zinc Phosphate Application

Question: We have been asked to apply a zinc phosphate to steel surfaces in one of our products.

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On My Mind: Organizational Lenses

Organizations are commonly analyzed using three perspectives or lenses: strategic, political and cultural.

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Non-Paint Painting

Question: I'm trying to determine the best way to finish my 1,500 linear ft of oak 3-board fencing.

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Reflection on Iridescent Coating on Aluminum Mirrors

Question: In the January 2001 Painting Clinic, I answered a question about iridescence in ultra-thin coatings applied to aluminum mirrors.

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Resins in Liquid and Powder Coating

Question: I should like to have more information on powder coatings available as liquids for painting electrical panel boards and other steel furniture that is fabricated by us.

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Old Electrostatic Cable

Question: Where can I find 100 kV cable for my electrostatic paint system that has 1 mm or 0.062-inch stranded conductor in a 0.375-inch polyethylene insulation.

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