Are Your Funds Working as Hard for You. . . As You Worked for Them?
If you’re unhappy with your rate of return, check out money managing software.
During my 50-plus years of practicing as a CPA and lawyer, many of my clients have poured their hearts out to me. I get to know their problems, business and personal, and their goals, visions and frustrations. The biggest frustration of most successful business owners, even after they’ve retired, isn’t about their business at all.
They vent variations of this question: “Irv, how do you increase the rate of return (without putting my capital in jeopardy) on my available assets?” Frustration abounds.
Like anyone else, we (my network of professionals and I, who help readers of this column) don’t know everything. Sure, we have great expertise in beating up the IRS when it comes to the gift and estate tax and, to a lesser degree, the income tax. But we’ve been frustrated through the years over what to do with those extra assets.
Until now.
Throughout the years, with the advancement of computer technology, we have all heard that fancy term “program trading” but thought that only the very high-net worth investment banking houses could take advantage of such programs. In essence, program trading is nothing more than highly sophisticated computer model software, which has been computerized and applied to various markets to do quick and real-time trading, which is beyond any human capability. As computers have revolutionized our lives and many industries, they now have (as we all expected would someday happen), revolutionized the trading/money management arena.
Following (in the order mentioned by most readers when asked) are the six most important criteria that would be essential in program-trading/money management technique software:
- Total liquidity. Like your own private bank account, the ability to add or take money out of your account at any time. Note: This private bank concept is extremely important to businesses that accumulate excess cash from time to time but must suffer paltry rates of return until the cash is needed again for business operations.
- Total control. You—only you—can take money out of your account.
- Good annual rate of return. Clearly, this means different rates to different groups: Most people are satisfied with 6% to 9%, the next group wants 10% to 14% and a small group wants 15% or more to be satisfied.
- Trades automatically. Means the account holder would not have to spend time managing the account. The software would generate/trigger/manage all trades automatically.
- Cost for use (or lease) of software. No money up front. Pay only if it performs.
- Minimize risk. One sad fact is undisputed: markets—whether stock or commodities—are a constant roller coaster ride. The software must minimize this effect and/or take prudent advantage of it.
Ready? (Drum roll, please.) We have discovered proprietary software that manages your money in such a way as to accomplish all six of the above criteria. The software is called “Your Private Bank Trading Software.” Since 2002, the package has been managing accounts on a monthly rental basis (rent is paid monthly as a percentage of profits. There are no other costs or fees.) Now, the software trades and manages hundreds of accounts. To date, none of the accounts has ever had a losing month. On average, accounts earn, net after monthly software rental costs, in the range of 4% per month. So far the lowest monthly earnings (after rental costs) were 2.8%; the highest 7.6%. Remember, past results do not in any way predict future results.
Volatility is the software’s best friend. The higher the volatility, the more likely the accounts will enjoy a higher rate of return.
Of course, you are saying to yourself, “Sounds too good to be true.” That was exactly my thought when I first heard about the software. But admittedly, I was intrigued, not only for my readers, but for myself. So I opened my own account, which uses the software. My goal was to verify the percentage results shown above. Yes, it’s true, the rates of return in my account are right in line with the above percentages. I’m a happy camper. My suggestion is to send for more information like I did. Then judge for yourself.
To learn more about the software and how you might join the profit-making fun, fax your name, address, phone numbers where you can be nds (personal, company, IRA, other) to 847-674-5299. Also include the estimated original funding amount (minimum $100,000) for your account. Please mark “Your Private Bank Trading Software” at the top of your fax.
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