Chemical Machining of Aluminum
Question: We are a UK finishing equipment manufacturer and have an application where our client needs to chemically machine aluminum parts by masking and etching away selected areas with alkaline etchants.
We are a UK finishing equipment manufacturer and have an application where our client needs to chemically machine aluminum parts by masking and etching away selected areas with alkaline etchants. We know that this process is carried out extensively in the aircraft industry for forming wing skins, and we are sure that there are some companies in the U.S. that supply suitable proprietary processes for this application. We believe that many of these processes conform to MIL or Boeing specs. We would really appreciate any contacts that you can suggest who may be able to supply our client. M.T.
I would suggest you check the Products Finishing website at At the home page click on the Supplier tab and choose the category Plating and Anodizing Processes. Select Aluminum Etchants and Deoxidizers.
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