optimal water management solutions

Cost of Plating

We have been barrel plating flat parts, but the parts do not meet the customer’s corrosion requirements, and we now have to resort to rack plating. Can you provide a brief explanation for the significant difference in cost?


Q. We have been barrel plating flat parts, but the parts do not meet the customer’s corrosion requirements, and we now have to resort to rack plating. Our customer is having a difficult time understanding why there is a significant difference in cost. Can you provide a brief explanation? M.H.

A. To give you a specific explanation as to why it costs more to rack plate a part versus barrel plating it, I would need to know what metal you are plating and what the required thickness should be. Some information on the shape and size of the part also would be helpful.

In general, labor costs are an important part of the cost of plating. Rack plating is more intensive labor-wise then barrel plating. Another factor is that the barrel process usually requires more time to deposit an equivalent amount of material on the surface of the part compared with rack plating. 

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