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Hentzen Coatings Celebrates 90th Anniversary

Announces opening in August of Hentzen de Mexico, an office/warehouse facility in Queretaro, Mexico to support the general industrial business in Mexico.


Mike, Steve, Al and Tim Hentzen.


Hentzen Coatings held a gala celebration July 19 of the 90th anniversary of the company’s founding.  The event was attended by over 400 including customers, suppliers, and employees. 


The American Coatings Association honored Hentzen Coatings President and CEO Albert Hentzen with a Meritorious Service Award recognizing Hentzen Coatings’ success and longevity, and Al’s industry service. 


ACA noted that Al has “contributed to the coatings industry through his selfless service to ACA, both as a member of the ACA Board of Directors and as a long-standing leader and member of the Industrial Coatings Committee.  By dedicating his remarkable professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts to the success of the industry, Albert Hentzen played a key role in the effectiveness and success of both Hentzen Coatings and the American Coatings Association.”


Hentzen is among the most unique, long-term coatings manufacturers in the U.S., which has seen the ranks of ACA member manufacturers decrease from 793 in early 1930’s, not long after Hentzen’s founding, to only 102 today.


“This celebration is about the whole Hentzen organization, because our full team’s dedication to exceptional customer service, and leadership through continual innovation, guarantees our future success,” said Albert Hentzen.


Hentzen announced the establishment of Hentzen de Mexico, and the opening in August of an office/warehouse facility in Queretaro, Mexico to support the general industrial business in Mexico.


Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch presented a certificate of recognition that noted Hentzen’s history as an innovator, and as a company that maintains its hallmarks of trust and integrity to benefit its customers, employees, and partners.  Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and City of Milwaukee Commissioner Rocky Marcoux also attended the event and offered remarks.


“Hentzen Coatings, with its roots always firmly planted in Milwaukee, is a classic success story of an entrepreneurial, family-owned and operated company, investing continuously for growth for the long term, while competing aggressively in a global marketplace,” said Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.


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