Acting New Jersey Governor Kim Guadagno today visited Superior Powder Coating, an Elizabeth-based metal finisher specializing in high-volume powder coating and electrocoating, the second stop on her month-long tour of New Jersey manufacturers.
Powder coating is a method of painting products using a powdered plastic resin that is electro-statically applied and cured onto the part in an oven. Electrocoating is a method of painting that uses electrical current to deposit the paint. Superior Powder’s Elizabeth facility can process more than 120,000 parts per day. These coated parts are used in a variety of applications, including automotive, military, marine, architectural, exercise equipment and stadium seating.
“Superior Powder Coating has continued to grow and expand in New Jersey since first opening in 1989,” Guadagno said. “The company has been able to do this thanks to some unique advantages New Jersey offers. Our highly educated and well-trained workforce is helping Superior Powder reliably deliver a quality product for its customers. Superior Coating’s close proximity to the Port of New York and New Jersey allows them to easily receive parts for coating and ship them back to customers. This powerful combination of benefits has helped Superior Powder succeed.”
“Thanks to financial assistance from the state, we’ve been able to operate a successful business, provide jobs for 139 workers, most of who live in Union County, and will soon hire 16 more workers,” said Peter Markey, CEO of Superior Powder Coating, Inc. “Superior Powder Coating is an example of a small New Jersey-based manufacturing business that is helping to ensure the prosperity of our great state.”
To attract and retain manufacturers, New Jersey offers various incentives aimed at expanding the state’s economy. These incentives include tax exemption programs designed just for manufacturers; rebates and low-cost financing for renewable energy systems, equipment and technologies that save energy; grants for job growth that provide direct payments to businesses that create jobs in New Jersey; sales and use tax exemptions for the purchase of fixtures, furniture, building materials and equipment needed for business relocation; and workforce training grants that provide skilled training, education and a wide range of support to workers and employers.
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