Slitting Custom Widths of Plating Tape
Custom tape sizes that ship on the same day.
Red polyester plating tape being slit to 20-mm wide rolls at Viadon. Source (all): Viadon
Viadon (Peotone, Illinois), a custom converter and masking supplier for companies in the powder coating, e-coating, anodizing, plating and various other finishing industries, slits tape in-house all day long. The company, which has been in business for 24-plus years, turns around custom tape widths and ships on the same day an order is received.
The finished product is ready to be shipped from a same-day order.
Instead of the standard 1.50-inch or 1.75-inch wide roll, Viadon will slit tape for a part that requires a 1.60-inch wide roll. It will also slit one roll if that’s all that is needed for the job as long as the total order is $50 or more.
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