Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant


Controlled Addition of Additives

Who manufactures or distributes devices for the automatic, controlled addition of plating solution additives such as anti-pitting agents?

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Black Finish on 430 Stainless Steel

Do you know of a way to get a black surface finish on 430 stainless steel screws that will stand up to the road blast under a car?

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“Grades” of Black Oxides?

Are there different grades of black oxide? If so, are some tougher than others?

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Cadmium Vs. Black Oxide

Which is the better coating for a fastener made from C40-UNI-7845, cadmium or black oxide?

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Copper Plating of Brass

Can we plate copper directly onto brass faucets using an acid copper bath?

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Correction: Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Coat

My response in the February issue regarding General Motors specification GMW 3359 for non-electrolytically applied zinc-rich coatings was incorrect. Here is the correct answer.

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Fingerprints on Plated Parts

I have received two questions in the last few months regarding fingerprints on finished plated parts. This is not an uncommon problem in the world of plating. Looking through my archives, I realized it would be good to revisit this topic:

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Pitted and Rough Nickel Plate

How can I remove roughness and pitting in my Watts nickel plating bath?

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Low-Stress Nickel Deposit

What is a low-stress nickel deposit?

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Low-Stress Nickel Deposit

What is a low-stress nickel deposit?

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Dissolving Titanium Anode Baskets

Has anyone experienced titanium anode baskets dissolving in a nickel sulfamate plating bath with a pH of 2.5 and no current flowing?

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Fluid Flow and Plating Rate

Can the fluid flow affect the plating process? If so, how?

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New Acid-Free Bright Nickel Process
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Heatmax Heaters ad with immersion heaters
Koch Finishing Systems