Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant


Bright Nickel Problems

My bright nickel plating bath is giving me a lot of grief. Our problem is the lack of uniform brightness on the part. The side of the part directly facing the anode is bright in some cases but not others. If I attempt to plate multiple parts in the plating bath I get different shades of brightness on each of the parts. I performed a carbon treatment on the bath with no improvement in the results. Do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this problem?

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Plating Carbide Parts

How do I prepare small carbide parts for hard-chrome plating?

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Electroless Nickel on Tungsten

Can one apply electroless nickel over a tungsten metal matrix?

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Plating Q&A: Electroless Nickel on Tungsten

Can one apply electroless nickel over a tungsten metal matrix? Art Kushner answers the question.

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Tin Lead Plating

Is it possible to plate a cold-rolled steel part with a minimum 5–7 percent lead content tin plate?

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Mirror Chrome Finish

n the process used to achieve the chrome plate specified in ASTM B456, do you polish the parts before or after the electrodeposited coating?

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Q&A: Green Sludge in Nickel Tank

Q: I have green sludge collecting on the filters in my nickel plating bath. What is it, and what can I do to prevent this from happening in the future?

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Pits in Electroless Nickel

We are plating electroless nickel (EN) on leaded brass, but find pits in the EN layer. What is the best way to prepare the leaded brass substrate so that we do not get a pitted finish?

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Green Sludge in Nickel Tank

I have green sludge collecting on the filters in my nickel plating bath. What is it, and what can I do to prevent this from happening in the future?

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A Very Old Cadmium Plating Bath

What should we do with a plating bath that is a least 20 years old and has a cyanide cadmium solution that is emitting a strong ammonia smell?

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Cloudy Decorative Chrome

We have a decorative chrome plating process using hex-chrome and find that, in the high current density areas, there is cloudiness more often than not. What should we be looking for to solve this problem?

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Q&A: Tin Plate on Zinc/Nickel Deposit

Q. Our company produces components made from mild steel that are nickel/zinc plated. We have been asked to investigate the possibility of over-plating of a tin strip on these parts. Can this be done, and can it be done selectively?

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Gardner Intelligence
Koch Finishing Systems
Parts Cleaning Conference
New Acid-Free Bright Nickel Process
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Fischer Technology, Inc.
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Non-Cyanide Silver Plating, AMS 2411J