Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant

Gold Stains

Question: Our company plates electronic components made of silver.

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Silver Blisters

Question: We are silver plating aluminum substrates using a proprietary zincate and Wood’s nickel strike prior to silver plating.

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Analytical Test Methods Revisited

In my March 2005 column, I answered a question regarding analytical test methods.

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Carbonate Removal

Question: Is there an alternate method instead of freezing to remove carbonates from a cyanide copper plating bath?

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Soft Nickel

Question: I want to apply a soft nickel deposit on parts that require machining after the plating step.

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Plating in the Garage

Question: I am a hobbyist and want to refinish some parts with silver, gold and nickel.

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Plating on Threads

Question: We manufacture a number of different parts that are threaded on the ends.

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How Much Does it Cost?

Question: I have recently started working for a large plating job shop and have been tasked with updating our method for determining cost of plating.

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Analytical Test Methods

Question: We are setting up a new analytical laboratory for plating operations.

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Citric Acid Passivation

Question: We are considering installing a citric acid-based passivation line.

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Coatings for Stainless Steel

Question: My company manufactures steel doors.

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RoHS Compliance

Question: What is RoHS and how will it affect the plating industry?

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