Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant

Manage Current Density To Avoid “Treeing”

This column marks the end of my eighth year of attempting to give straightforward responses to day-to-day issues that arise in the electroplating arena.

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Brown Spots on Decorative Chrome

This column marks the end of my eighth year of attempting to give straightforward responses to day-to-day issues that arise in the electroplating arena.

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White Nickel Deposit

This column marks the end of my eighth year of attempting to give straightforward responses to day-to-day issues that arise in the electroplating arena.

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“Trees” in Nickel Plating

We are getting “treeing” and roughness on some of the parts that we plate in a Watts nickel plating bath. What causes this and how can we minimize the problem?

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Aluminum Corrosion

Question: How can I protect 6061 aluminum that will be immersed in deionized water for an extended period?

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Information sources

Question: Where can I find the type of information that you use to answer the questions that appear in the Plating Clinic?

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Stripping Silver from Brass

Question: Can you suggest a procedure for stripping silver plate from a brass substrate?

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Crystals in Nickel Tank

Question: We just pumped out our nickel tank for it’s six-month cleaning and have found a couple of inches of crystalline material in the bottom of the tank.

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Deposition of Niobium

Question: I am interested in coating the inside of a waveguide with a thin layer of niobium (columbium) for cryogenic microwave experiments.  We think that electroplating may be the best way.  Can this element be deposited from a plating solution?

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Tin Whiskers Again

Question: Our plating shop does bright tin plating for electrical connectors.

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Salt Spray Results

Question: My boss asked me a question that I can’t find an answer for.

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The Zincate Process

Question: What is the difference between the “homebrew” zincate process and the commercially available zincate processes?

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