Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant


Hydrogen Embrittlement and Zinc Plating

Question: We have to plate steel parts with zinc and are concerned about hydrogen embrittlement of the finished product.

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Plating Powdered Iron Parts

Question: A very good customer has asked us to plate powdered iron parts with electroless nickel.

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Dummying 101

Question: What are the basics for dummying a nickel plating bath?

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Cyanide Copper Alternative

Question: We want to plate electroless nickel directly onto zincated aluminum.

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Standards for Electropolishing

Question: We receive finished parts with different levels of electropolishing (amount to material removed) from our supplier.  Is there a standard or standard way of calling out a level of electropolish, e.g., a minimum of 0.001 inch of material removal?  We would also like to QC the finished parts.

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“Whitewash” Again

Question: I have a small chrome plating shop.  I have problems when plating larger parts, such as bumpers.

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Cyanide Copper Strike Problem

Question: We use a cyanide copper strike with stainless steel anodes.

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Jewelry and Nickel Content

Question: Is there a simple test or procedure to determine if a piece of jewelry contains nickel?

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Pitting on Electropolished 316 Stainless Steel

Question: What are some causes for pitting of 316-SS when it is electropolished?

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Woods’ Nickel Contamination

Our Wood’s nickel strike bath is contaminated with iron.

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Gritty Tin Plate

Question: What causes bright acid tin to become “gritty” after soldering?

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Cadmium Plating and Black Spots

Question: Our shop does bright cadmium plating but we have a problem with black spots appearing after the parts have been processed and shipped to our customer.

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