Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant


Electroless Copper on "Polyphenylene Oxide"

  Question: I need information on metallizing a number of different polymers including polyphenylene oxide (PPO). H.I.

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Hull Cells

  Question:  I need some general information on how to use Hull cells and how to "read" the resulting coupons.

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Milky Tin Plating Solution

  Question: We use a bright tin sulfate plating bath.

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Electroplating Specifications for Engineering Drawings

Question: How should electroplating specifications be called out on engineering drawings?

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Carbonates in Cyanide Plating Baths

Question: What causes carbonates to form in a cyanide plating bath?

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Electroless Nickel on Aluminum

Question: We want to plate aluminum with electroless nickel.

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Properties of Metals and Alloys

Question: My position at our company requires that I evaluate the properties of various electrodeposited metals and alloys.

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Stress Reducer

Question: Are there any non-proprietary stress reducers that can be used in a nickel sulfamate plating bath?

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Tangled Danglers

Question: The types of parts that we routinely plate are 4-6 inches long and have an OD of approximately 0.2 inch.

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Flaky Cadmium

Question: Our company plates small parts used in the aircraft industry.

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Black Chromium Scratches

Question: We have parts plated with decorative and black chromium.

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Zinc Whiskers

Question: Our company zinc plates steel computer cabinets.

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