Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant


Question: One of our plating vendors sent us a batch of zinc plated parts that looked "good" at the time of receipt and were passed by our quality inspectors.

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Starting a Plating Shop

Question: I want to start a plating shop specializing in decorative chromium plating of automotive rims and accessories.

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Vacuum Impregnation

Question: What is vacuum impregnation?

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Cleaning Methods

Question: Where can we find information about newer cleaning methods?

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Hard Chromium Plating and Fixturing

Question: I have recently been put in charge of our hard chromium plating operations.

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Aluminum Bright Dip

Question: Can you give me a good formulation for an aluminum bright dip?

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Tarnished Electroless Nickel

Question: We have a sporadic problem with parts tarnishing after electroless nickel plating.

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Where’s My Silver?

Question: We specialize in the plating of silver on electrical components used in the electric industry.

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Chromium Plating Information

Question: I want to learn as much about chromium plating as I can before starting a hard chromium plating shop.

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Parts of Another Color

Question: How can we color differentiate small parts that are similar to each other but have different size threads?

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What is Permalloy?

Question: What is permalloy plating, and what is it used for?

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