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Assured Testing Services Hires General Manager

Cristina Tomlinson will oversee the laboratory’s mission to provide corrosion/exposure testing, mechanical/metallurgical testing, materials/coating and plating testing, and customized technical services.


Assured Testing Services has hired Cristina Tomlinson as general manager to oversee the laboratory’s mission to provide corrosion/exposure testing, mechanical/metallurgical testing, materials/coating and plating testing, and customized technical services.

The laboratory maintains ISO 17025, NADCAP and AAMA accreditations and operates out of a newly designed, 26,000-square-foot facility in Ridgway, Pennsylvania. 

Tomlinson worked on engineering research and development projects for the Department of Defense and other federal agencies while at Concurrent Technologies Corp. for more than 20 years prior to joining Assured Testing Services.  She has a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.

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