Parts Cleaning Conference

Circle-Prosco Introduces Paint Line University

Closing the finishing industry’s talent gap.


paint line
Photo Credit: Circle-Prosco Inc.

Organizations have been grappling with a “talent gap” in recent years, and the situation is particularly dire in the manufacturing sector. According to a study by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, more than 2.1 million U.S. manufacturing jobs could go unfilled by 2030 due to a lack of skilled workers and retirements. Higher education institutions have taken steps to encourage interest in engineering and related fields, but training workers in specialized areas of manufacturing, such as pretreatment and finishing, often falls to corporate learning departments or relies on on-the job training.

This can be a challenge for companies, as retiring workers take their knowledge and expertise with them. Many companies don’t have the resources or training budget to develop a comprehensive learning program that addresses the complexity and depth of these specialized areas. The right training can have a ripple effect. In addition to addressing the skills gap, it is also important for companies to create a culture of continuous learning and professional development. This can help to retain and motivate existing employees, as well as attract new talent.

Take, for example, a common process in the pretreatment process. Something seemingly as simple as rinsing parts after each chemical stage actually involves a need to assess part cleanliness, best practices to prevent contamination, flash rust, and key setup parameters to minimize chemistry and water use. There is a lot going on in a pretreatment system, and the impact of knowing what to look for and relevant best practices for line operations could mean the difference between success and failure as measured by brand-damaging field failures, customer complaints, meeting labor and throughput goals, and overall profitability.

The above is just one example of the many specialized tasks and processes that are critical to the success of a manufacturing operation, but which may not be taught in traditional educational settings. While higher education institutions offer a range of engineering and technical programs, these tend to focus on more general principles and theories, rather than the specific, hands-on skills that are needed in the manufacturing industry. As a result, workers must learn these specialized skills on the job, through on-the-job training or other forms of continuing education or corporate learning programs. The complexity and importance of these specialized tasks highlight the need for comprehensive training programs that can provide workers with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles.

One company that has taken a proactive approach to addressing the skills gap in the manufacturing industry is Circle-Prosco (Bloomington, Ind.). The company has worked with some of the world’s most well-known brands for over 50 years, with a focus on solving  manufacturing problems. CPI’s Solution Squad team is comprised of experts in the pretreatment process, with experience in the specialized training and development needed to fill the skills gap.  

CPI is leveraging the Solution Squad’s collective expertise to launch Paint Line University, an engaging, online curriculum designed for engineers who are new to pretreatment as well as more seasoned professionals who could benefit from quick, practical guidance on troubleshooting issues. The program will feature short, bite-sized videos that cover topics such as chemistry, rinsing, sustainability, and cost-saving hacks, all delivered through a modern, app-like user interface that is designed to engage all generations.

In addition, CPI says learners will have the benefit of participating in a broader pretreatment community where they can ask questions, share experiences and connect with colleagues.

With a planned launch in early spring of 2023, interested individuals can sign up for the Paint Line University wait-list at, which includes a sneak peek at the curriculum and example learning modules.

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